Balderdash is the best board game around. There are 5 categories. Words . An obscure word. Each player must come up with a made up definition for the word. Movies . An obscure movie title. Each player must come up with a synopsis of the movie. Laws . The beginning of a weird law, such as "In Canada it is illegal to dance..." each player completes the sentence. Names . A lesser known name of someone who did something semi-important. The player must fabricate a semi-important thing that this person did. Acronyms . The player must decide what this acronym stands for. The rest of the rules are inconsequential to the comedic value of this blog, so if you really want to know, go buy the game. We love this game so much that we have ventured out to target on two separate occasions to purchase it when bored on vacation. Some of the answers are so funny that I've kept the little pieces of paper in the box for years. Should I put them in a scrapbook? NO! Instead I will blog them and...