
Showing posts from November, 2015


I believe it's none of anyone's business who you love or how you experience love. When someone asks you if you are male or female, they're actually asking what your genitals look like. And what you do with said genitals with other consenting adults should be as private as you like.  What kind of clothes you wear, or where you feel you fall on a socially constructed gender continuum is at baseline, so irrelevant to anyone that isn't you, that it shouldn't even cause a ripple in someone else's dream pool. So happy coming out day to my fellow weirdos, freaks, outcasts. I'm sorry that the whole world is so slow to accept that we are souls capable of love for other souls. When people don't have to come out anymore...that? THAT is when we'll know we've really gotten somewhere. I hope to live to see that extraordinary day.

I.M. Hilarious
