Dexy got the puking thing today. Bleu cheese dressing is top notch. Sexual abusers suck. The China Study says that all animal products cause cancer and they have some pretty compelling data backing it up. Reston is far away, confusing, and they make you pay to go there. Throwing up in beds at 4 AM is not something I like. Sexy underwear is not a cause for a picket line. Everyone is entitled to basic human rights. Speaking of, I think children should be given the right to vote in some capacity but I don't know how that would work. It's chilly in my house. It's lonely in here tonight. A lot of people have Aspergers Syndrome and aren't diagnosed. I stopped drinking a while back. Oh, didn't you know? I have dreams that I forgot that I stopped drinking and then I drink and freak out. Ginger ale is delicious and I now have a different drinking problem. Dexter just fell off the bed in very strange slow motion. I feel bad for Britney. Have you ever seen the videos of how...