Super Boring

I've never let you all know how little I care for sports. I care even less for watching said sports on TV. Fortunately for all of humankind I married someone who feels roughly the same, at least the spectating part. Suffice it to say that you will never find sports on our TV. Unless it is the bass fishing that Jamie watches occasionally, and believe me, that little thing came out of the woodwork after I vowed to love him for better or worse.

The Super Bowl is our token sporting event that we watch each year. Since we know nothing about sports whatsoever, we use a scientific process to determine who we will root for. This year we based our decision to root for the Bears solely on the fact that my brother, David, is in Chicago for the next few days auditioning for an acting conservatory. During the boring time in between commercial breaks, I typically go in the kitchen to make finger foods for us to munch. Jamie always yells at the TV just like he's supposed to. This always makes me giggle. The half-time show is my very favorite part, even though it's hasn't really been someone I've wanted to see since 2001 when they had Aerosmith and Britney. I come out of the kitchen and am glued to the television for the whole glitzy mess. I even liked Prince this year in spite of my best judgment. I sure am glad that they still do that half-time show for me since I am apparently the only person in the world who has ever liked it.

I had two favorite commercials this year. The Taco Bell lions discussing rolling their 'r's had me cracking up, because Jamie can't roll his 'r's very well. The only way he can do it is if he does it at full volume. When the housekeeper comes over he walks around the house going "buRRito. buRRito. B-RRRRRRRRR-ito." Then he made up a little song that goes RRRRRicardo Montalban---RRRRREEE RRRRRREEEE!!!" The last part is done at a decibel that I can't quite achieve through typing, but I encourage you to try it out loud. Tonight. In the dark. Right after you think your spouse may have fallen asleep. In any case, some weirdo with Jamie's exact chemical make-up, made a commercial about rolling 'r's and also references Ricardo Montalban (RRRRREEE RRRRRREEE). Which was really strange. Jamie thinks someone must have heard him. More likely everyone has heard him, because have I mentioned that he does it really loudly?

However, my favorite Super Bowl LXI moment was Kevin Federline's video. I have never been a Kevin Federline fan, because he is the sleaze bag that turned my Britney into Blobney, but I was really impressed with his ability to laugh at himself. Although, I cringe to think that this is probably a sad attempt at getting his "talent" seen by the world so we can all realize what we've been missing by not buying his CD.

So I really don't care about the football, but which were your favorite commercials?


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