6 Weird Things About Me. A Game.
Erika Tagged me
The Rules: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 6 weird/things/habits about yourself. In the end you need to list 6 other people to tag and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment saying, "You've been tagged." in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
1. I am afraid of animals. I think it's 'cause they can't talk to you. I'm always scared they're gonna bite me or something. I have been afraid of animals since I was a little girl. I am especially frightened of dogs. This does not mean I hate animals or want bad things to happen to them. I just want them far away from me. I will never have a pet because then they will die and it's like a freakin' family member dying and I will be forced to be devastated for a long time.
2. I am often accused of being a huge flirt. I was actually voted "biggest flirt" once. I have a certificate to prove it. Oh, and my mom grounded me because of it. I maintain that I am not flirting. Or at least if I am flirting, I flirt with EVERYONE including females and people I am related to. Eww. Anyway, I feel I am a very touchy and friendly person, and I like the people I like. A lot. It was either Seanan or Stephanie that said to once in high school "Every time I see Heidi she is walking arm in arm with a boy and she's also usually punching him in the stomach." How true.
3. I am a music-nazi. I can only have fun if I like the music that's being played currently. I am a big brat and will walk off the dance floor if a song I don't like is being played. I'm not trying to be a brat, but I literally find it very difficult to dance to the music I don't love. I will bring my own music to your house because I can't help myself. My girl, Christen, said to a group of us at her house recently, "Well, I'd put some music on, except that Heidi will make fun of it because she is a music snob." It's probably true. I've been to Polly Esther's (a 70s and 80s club in DC) several times for bachelorette parties and birthday parties and I just can't hack it without a huge assist from the booze.
4. I love children the mostest. They are awesome and honest and act like crazed drunken monkeys.
5. I always have something crazy that just happened to me to tell you about. I have determined that people that are like this have something wrong with them, but I am not sure yet exactly what.
6. I graduated high school, moved out, got pregnant, got married, and had a baby (in that order) within a year. Beat that suckah.
I'm tagging the following six (who I think are amazing):
Jon (because he loves the surveys)
Seanan (because she is a doll baby)
Jamie (just cause it'll be fun to see him try to come up with six things to say at all)
Gena (because she has lots of weird/things/habits that I like to hear about)
Stephanie ('cause I mentioned her and I haven't heard from her in a long while)
Josh ('cause he flies planes, dude. That's hot. And he can sing like an angel)