New Years' Resolutions 2009
- Finish moving my blog from Myspace to here.
- Blog 157 times
- Lose weight
- Get out of debt
- Do 365 things that make me happy by the end of the year. Rules: Said thing must last at least 15 minutes and TV shows and video games don't count.
- Work on my degree.
- Improve my marriage and family by doing specific things.
- Get the house cleaned up to my satisfaction and not anyone else's stupid-over-the-top yuppie standard.
- Improve spirituality.
- Ask for help 12 times.
And just for giggles, my resolutions and results from last year:
- Blog every day. Not even close. I screwed this one up the second week.
- Get skinnier. Gained 10 pounds.
- Get the f-ing house clean. The house is much cleaner, but still not clean enough.
- Start taking classes again after a year hiatus. This sort of happened, but the issue that took place wasn't my fault, so I am giving myself credit for this one.
- Perform in some capacity each month. Nein.
- Cut back on eating meat and cheese. Cheese is delicious.
- Do things that make me happy. I did ok with this at times, but made up for it in spades by wallowing in sadness at other times. I have reason though. However, other people have better reasons and they aren't wallowing.
Yeah, so anyway, don't take me too seriously, fellas. I've got a bad track record.