Giney Rhymes With Hiney

Heidi: So the other day Jamie and I were in the swimming pool with my 4 year old niece and I whispered to her "I'm gonna go pinch uncle Jamie's butt.", and she was like "What?" and I said "I'm gonna go pinch uncle Jamie's butt.", she laughed and then she whispered very seriously, "Don't say butt." "Ummm, ok." I said, "What do you guys say?" and she said, "Giney" (pronouced JY-nee). So I said, "Ok, I'm gonna go pinch uncle Jamie on the jyneeee?"

Jamie: I sure was surprised.

Heidi: I know! Surprised that you had a giney!

Robin: We say butt at our house, but J's not allowed to say that at school.

Heidi: We say butt too. I grew up saying butt. There's nothing wrong with butt. It's just like the stupid euphemism thing. First it was butt, then it was bum, then hiney... Every time a kid freaks out about it, I'm just like "Ok, whatever. What's your stupid word?"

Robin: Did you know that some people call the 'giney' the 'front butt'?

Heidi: Whaaat?

Robin: Yeah.

Heidi: Ew. It's not a butt. You pee out of your front butt?

Jamie: I call my butt my back giney...I call my ear my hearing giney.

Robin: I call my mouth my eating giney.


Anonymous said…
OK, so first off, "giney" sounds way too much like a cute version of "vagina," and secondly the correct teacher-approved word for "butt" is "bottom," as in "Apply thy bottom to that seat before I take the black off of it!"
Heidi said…
It IS a cutesy version of vagina! She was confused.

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