Poll Results: Melons & Cucumbers
I hate cucumbers and melons, particularly watermelon and that green one. What is that? Cantaloupe?. The way that they taste to me can't possibly be what other people taste, because no one would eat them. They have an unnatural taste, like shampoo, And it's really strong taste. I can usually tell if a melon or cucumber has touched my other food, and cucumber or melon soaps and candies make me gag. The people that I've questioned that like melons and cucumbers say that, to them, they have a watery mild taste.
Jamie and I were eating at Mexicali Blues when we were dating and it had just opened. Jamie said his food tasted like chemicals. Then he tasted my food and he said it also tasted like chemicals. Shortly thereafter, after eating salsa at our friends Ryan and Jason's house we narrowed Jamie's chemical tasting ingredient down to cilantro. Later, Jamie was explaining this weird phenomenon to our friend Jeff. Jeff said "Oh yeah. A huge portion of the population is cilantro averse. It tastes soapy to them."
"The leaves have a different taste from the seeds, with citrus overtones. Some perceive an unpleasant "soapy" taste or a rank smell and avoid the leaves. Belief that this is genetically determined may arise from the known genetic variation in taste perception of the synthetic chemical phenylthiocarbamide; however, no specific link has been established between coriander and a bitter taste perception gene."
Soapy, huh? That's pretty much how cucumbers and melons taste to me. So I started thinking that if a huge portion of the population is cilantro averse, then maybe cucumbers and melons are related (they are) and maybe there's a smaller portion of the population that's cucumber/melon averse. I started asking around and more often than not, people that didn't like cucumbers also either didn't like all melons or they only had one or two types of melons that they could handle.
So, ahem, now I have done a very scientifical study with a whopping 13 people, and I think the results clearly indicate that my hypothesis can now be classified as a theory.
