Embrace the Awkward

Cole: Lady Gaga's clothes are so weird.

Heidi: I know. She's like a walking piece of museum.

Cole: But she's like that dive museum.

Heidi: That museum wasn't a dive. You're just used to the Smithsonian.

Cole: But it was all naked people.

Heidi: No it wasn't.

Jamie: I like naked people.

Cole: Yeah, but there's only so much you can do with naked people.

Heidi: You can do plenty with naked people. You're just not old enough yet.

[My brothers, who are home from college, squirm as we crack up.]

Heidi: Man, you've been away from home too long.

Jamie: Embrace the awkward.

scandalized at the Weatherspoon Art Museum in Greensboro, NC


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