Breaking Point

I now find myself in a new empowering place. Single and ok with it. I ended my relationship of over a year the other day. I can't really remember a time where I didn't jump into a new intense committed relationship as soon as I ended one. I've come a long way and the alone doesn't kill me anymore.
Of course I'm very sad. Even when you know it's time to quit it's hard and heartbreaking. I loved him very much and had hoped we could make it work in spite of my firm grasp on realism and a million red flags telling me that we couldn't. There were times when I wanted to fight to make it happen. There were times when I would watch the red flags go by and not even mention them. It was kind of a mercy killing. Eventually I knew it was dying and I just let us both kill it.
We really loved each other very much and the wish was tremendous that love would conquer all. That we would overcome our issues and be amazing. We wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. We wanted to live happily ever after.
There were really some wonderful qualities about the relationship. We could be playful and make each other laugh indefinitely. We had very intense chemistry. He had a remarkable ability to soothe me when he felt up to it. Whenever he would spiral I would rescue him and remind him of all the amazing things about him and his awesome potential. He could come up with beautifully worded fairy tale stories on the fly that were metaphors for whatever it was we were going through. I was good at at pulling his head out of the clouds and putting his feet on the ground, articulating precisely what reality was and getting him to see. His romantic self fought to make us work each time my flighty self gave up. I loved him when he felt unlovable and motivated him when he would sink. He did things that were hard for him to try to make it work. I patiently tried to show him a way that we could get to where we wanted to go and gave way too many chances when he wanted exception after exception to deviate from what he knew was right.
We all have a breaking point. Mine may be way beyond anyone else's though. He pushed me too far too many times. He has a good heart, but the exceptions were making me crazy and making the lovely things about us disappear. Though it's a loss, it was absolutely the right thing to do. No one deserves to be treated that way and when my breaking point came it was clear and the only option.
I'm really proud of myself.


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