
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Dexter Says

To his ex- girlfriend

"How does it feel to be demoted to family friend?"

Paloma Says

When some people are gone you have to cry a lot. 

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Miles says

"I'm fat full of babies. I'm fat full of babes. How many babies can I fit? Just four. No more."

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Dexter Says

I don't like corn off the cob. I don't know why they took it off. It was fine where it was. Very problematic. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

Biden Interview

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Adam Says

"I'm going to go walk the dog. When I get back, don't still be looking at Mike Vitar."

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dexter Says

"Humperdink. I hardly know her dink."

Monday, August 27, 2018

Adam On Why He Doesn't Want Popcorn

"Because they get stuck in my teeth! It's like chewing air! It's a waste of time!"

"It's like 'Here! Do this exercise. You'll still be hungry, but you'll have shit in your mouth..."

"...Keep Chompin!"

Sunday, August 26, 2018

I Live On A Lake

Whenever I feel sad,  I remind myself that I live on a lake right now. At this moment in my life, I have this simple luxury of living on a body of water that the majority of people (even very rich people!) do not. I likely won't have it forever. I can see a huge expanse of lake from my kitchen window! Right now I am sitting on my lake facing patio, reading a book about a like minded girl, drinking a cup of coffee, holding my sleeping happy newborn baby,  with my doggy at my feet. Life is perfect in this moment.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Shatter The Glass on Turn the Page

About the song Turn the Page by Bob Seger
Gale: I love this song because it's just about a guy who goes around. He's just dissociating and passively watching himself go everywhere. Here I am, there I go... what am I up to now? He's like, riding one of those long animal balloons that popped and it's just zoomin' around the room. Here I am. I'm in the ceiling fan.

Heidi: There I go...
Gale: ...
Heidi: ...
Gale: I don't know.
Heidi: I don't either. I thought I'd have something.
Gale: It's okay.
You'll never hear that song the same again. You'll be like look at this boisterous little man.