
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We Don't Have Time For Subtleties

Jamie: Here, I have something for you.

Heidi: Is it wonderful?

Jamie: No. It's just fish oil

Heidi: Ew. It'll make me burp fish oil for hours. Why are you giving me fish oil?

Jamie: It's purported to be a mood elevator.

Heidi: So you're trying to elevate my mood then, huh?

Jamie: Yeah!

Heidi: I like how fast you answered that.

Jamie: Yeah, there's no cloak and dagger here.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Snapshot

The last 24 hours went a little something like this: I had The Fear. I bought a carton of milk, 2 boxes of chocolates, 3 Barbie dolls and 1 book of logic puzzles in hopes of quelling It. Then off to another family's house, where, against my instincts, I let my three children cavort off with their children unsupervised. Dexy (my 6 year old) came back with the biggest bump on his head I've ever seen as the result of "a fighting game". On the way home it was nearly impossible to keep him awake. ER, concussion, vomit, cat scan, IV, draw blood, anti-emetic, hydration. The Worst Night. Kill me. I got him home and to bed and cried for a good hour or so. I kept him home from school today and we had The Best Day. Pancake House, Clay Cafe Studios, Panera, Hollywood Video, Penelope. He's all better. I'm getting there. The moral: I need to trust my instincts. And if you try to talk me out of them I'll f-ing slam you.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

La La La La La La

Thomas: I love the word profanity. Like, when something bad happens, I'm just gonna be like, 'Oh, profanity'.

Heidi: That's like smurf. You can use it for anything. They're all like, 'Have a smurfy day!' and I'm like, 'I know what that means, you smurfing smurfhole.'