
Monday, June 30, 2008

Cole Says 010

to me...

"What's wrong with you?! You broke my menu and then you slapped me on the forehead with it!"

Friday, June 20, 2008

About A Family Member

Heidi: She is crazy as the days are long.

Jamie: Why are the days so long? The days aren't anywhere near as long as she is crazy.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

It’s Funny Because It’s True 001

Heidi: How is it that Burger King's fries suck, but their hash browns are good?

Dexter: Mommy, you said a bad word.

Miles: No, it's ok. Daddy's not here.

A Trip Down Memory Lane..Er Kirby Rd. In McLean

Heidi: I dated a boy down that street...It was Will.

Heidi: Oh and I dated a boy down that street too.

Jamie: Um, yeah. I had a feeling that would happen.

Heidi: It was Jon.
Jamie: Right.

Heidi: And I have an ex-boyfriend, Lukas, that lived down there, and Tim lived that way.

Jamie: it's the tour of Mommy's ex-boyfriends! The tour that takes forever.

Miles: Why does it take forever?

Jamie: Because Mommy had all the ex-boyfriends.

Heidi: What does that mean? That I had all the boyfriends that were to be had?

Jamie: Yes.

Heidi: That's not nice.

Jamie: There are like, what, 5 boys that you were friends with that were in date-able age range that you didn't go out with.

Heidi: I'm sure I can think of 10.

New Yoga Poses

Klaussen Asana=pickle pose

Spread Eagle Konasin....slut pose

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Moms In Da Hood On Shoe Size

T: I had to return C's stupid shoes today. They were a size 14 and they're still too small.

I: Size 14. Wow.

Heidi: Hmmm. You know what they say about guys with big feet.

T: Yes I do...

Heidi: Yeah, big hands.

I: Poor M is only a size 11.

Heidi: Jamie is a size 9 or something.

T: Oh, poor Jamie!

I: Poor Heidi!

Heidi: ...Umm, no actually he's good.

T: Yeah, you all are obviously just fine.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dexter Says 021

"It hurts when you braid my hair. It feels like a hair earring. A herring."

Sunday, June 8, 2008

DeCelle Says 001

"First of all, BATCAVE, second of all, what?"

Um, Tuppence A Bag?

Thomas: I thought you said 'I'm selling.'

Heidi: I'm selling marijuana. I'm selling grass and free love in the woods.

Thomas: You're selling free love in the woods?

Heidi: Oh yeah, that's not good.

Thomas: Yeah that sounds like it could be a problem.

Jamie: How much do you charge for free love?