Merry Christmas Peeps
My Dearest Friends and Family,
As I sit in the preschool parking lot pondering 2005, I realize that we've learned great lessons this year in overcoming obstacles and I'm left with a feeling of thankfulness for all that we have.
For our seventh anniversary in February, Jamie and I headed to the Shenandoah Mountains for a weekend of skiing. On our last day (which just happened to be the day of our anniversary), we were skiing on the easiest slope on the mountain when I fell and broke my femur in to lots of little pieces. To make a very long story not quite as long, I had to have surgery and get a titanium rod put in my leg. I spent a week in the hospital and five more weeks on crutches and not able to drive. We were obviously hamstrung (no pun intended), and worried about how we would get by and also how we would get through airport security for the rest of our lives.

Fortunately, the long road to recovery was made much sweeter and tons easier by many of you, our friends and family. We were amazed at the outpouring of love and help even when many of you were going through your own trials and tribulations at the time. Literally, more than a hundred people reached out to us in one way or another. Visitors came, cards, emails and letters were sent bringing news of the outside world to a girl stuck in bed. My brother Jonathan loaned a laptop to me so that I could still be a part of that outside world. Countless dinners were brought to our house. Parents took my children for play dates and activities. I needed many rides each week to go to school, doctor appointments and physical therapy and so many of you came to my aid.
If you helped us and we haven't formally thanked you yet, your formal thanks is coming and we want to let you know how very humbled and grateful we are for all of you, our friends and family. We love you all very much.
I would like to take a moment to brag on a few people who sacrificed a lot to come to my rescue. My cousin, Nikki, provided the majority of the aforementioned rides in the middle of her busy workday. My sister-in-law Jennifer and her husband Jeramie moved into our house on a moment's notice and took over all the things that needed to be done (which were many) while I was in the hospital. They also took down our Christmas tree, which was still up eight weeks after Christmas and probably would have been for another eight weeks at least. They also helped setting up a bed in our living room because I couldn't negotiate our treacherous stairs to get to my bedroom. My brother, David, was there to comfort me and pray for me in a dark hour and helped Jamie keep a bedside vigil at the hospital, he held my hand and humored me in my drugged stupor while I drifted in and out of consciousness mid-sentence and also babbled about how I was pretty sure Ben Stiller wasn't funny. And now I must tell you about my mother-in-law Terri, and my mom's housekeeper and my childhood baby-sitter Maria . One or the other of these lovely ladies came to our house each weekday from 9-5 and stepped in to do all the things that needed to be done. They sacrificed tremendous time and energy. I also need to thank my parents and brothers who lent us Maria at no expense to us.
Mostly I want to brag about Jamie. Sorry ladies, but I'm pretty sure I've got the best husband ever. He was by my side, comforting me through the worst pain in my life. He slept in a chair for a week in the hospital, advocated for my every need, made the living room a beautiful and happy place to spend my days and nights, and slept on the couch for six weeks just in case I should need anything in the night. He had to help me with every little menial task and was so loving and kind about it. I already knew he was amazing, but he went way beyond what I even imagined was possible. I love you, Jamie.
Truthfully, my children and I had a wonderful time during the six weeks I was laid up. I got a vacation from the cooking, cleaning, and laundry and got to play go-fish and read to them. It was lovely.
Right after I got off the crutches, a much bigger tragedy struck in our family. In April we lost Jamie's cousin Christine to leukemia. We were all devastated. Christine was a mommy to a beautiful three-year-old boy and had only been married a few years. It felt like her life had been just beginning when it was taken away. She was such a lovely person, and no one has ever had anything but great things to say about her. Christine and her sweet smile have left a huge void this Christmas. We miss her so.

We went on a family vacation in August to Corolla, NC where we learned its very hard to be parents all day, and party like rock stars all night with my teenage brothers and cousins. It was a fun but exhausting vacation.
The rest of the year has flown by. Cole (7) finished up first grade. His obsessions include Pokemon, memorizing the periodic table of elements, and making very simple things as complicated as possible. He started a new school this fall and his classroom teachers are so terrific! He really seems to be enjoying himself this year. He can entertain himself forever with a pencil and paper. He makes lists and draws many complicated diagrams.

Miles (5) started a new preschool this year and he also loves his teacher. He is a real social butterfly and if he's not trying to visit someone, he's calling people on the phone. It's unbelievable, but it's already an effective punishment to restrict his phone time. He's a really big help around the house. He loves putting groceries away and is pretty good about finishing his chore list. He also enjoys watching the food network, which is pretty funny. His favorites are Rachael Ray, Alton Brown and of course Emeril.
Jamie likes to call Dexter (3) our random insult generator. His insults usually come from movies. Some of my favorites are "You want a piece of me?", "You are an action figure! You are a child's plaything!" and "You are a strange man." The latter was shouted at his swimming instructor who is neither strange nor a man. Dexter is tall and he's a bruiser and he holds his own in any living room fight. He does have a sweet side though. He often tells people "You are so cute! I love you!" Recently, at a trip to Jamie's work, upon meeting Jamie's boss he declared, "You have a beautiful nose!"

Jamie's company recently got acquired and he is looking forward to a little change. He didn't get to fish much this year, but he has been playing lots of classical guitar, which he really enjoys.
Well, that's all the news there is to print!
We love you all! Merry Christmas!
Heidi and Co.