
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Cole

On Sunday I received an interesting email. The subject was "Your Cole" and I didn't recognize the address at first, but then I realized it was from a neighbor of ours. Here is what it said:

[My son, my wife] and I were out for a walk just before sundown on this chilly Sunday and we saw Cole and friend selling hot chocolate. I had a buck in my pocket, so I figured what the hey. Deadpan hilarity ensued:
Me: How long have you been out selling the hot chocolate?

Cole: Many an hour.

Me: You don't seem much worse for the wear.

Cole: We don't seem:

You just can't teach that.

Anyway, felt the need to pass that along. Obviously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As the aforementioned wife of the e-mailing neighbor, I have to tell you that this doesn't nearly do the moment justice. Cole's wry delivery of these two lines was priceless.